a sampling of recent commercial projects
a sampling of recent commercial projects
A campaign to promote enrollment in the Affordable Care Act
Starring Jeff Tweedy, Steve Albini, Scott Goldstein, Jake Armstrong, Gabe Acinapura
Written and Directed by David Singer
Cinematography by Christopher Markos
Sound by Sean Kirkpatrick
Edit by Bryan Simpson
A campaign to promote enrollment in the Affordable Care Act
Starring Brad Morris, Puja Mohindra and Tyler Davis
Written and Directed by David Singer
Cinematography by Christopher Markos
Sound by Sean Kirkpatrick
Edit by Bryan Simpson
A campaign to encourage enrollment in the Affordable Care Act.
Starring David Pasquesi and Susan Karp
Written and Directed by David Singer
Cinematography by Christopher Markos
Sound by Sean Kirkpatrick
Art Direction by Matt Hyland
A campaign to encourage enrollment in the Affordable Care Act.
Starring David Pasquesi and Lauren Walker
Written and Directed by David Singer
Cinematography by Christopher Markos
Sound by Sean Kirkpatrick
Art Direction by Matt Hyland
A promo for Dennis Watkins' legendary show at Chicago's Palmer House.
Directed and Edited by David Singer
Cinematography by Andrew Wehde
Sound by Tim Edson
Music by David Singer
Directed by David Singer
Produced by Onion Labs
Directed by David Singer
Produced by Onion Labs
Written and Directed by David Singer
Edited by Charles Newberry
Produced by Coin Operated Films
Directed by David Singer for Coin Operated Films
Directed by David Singer for Coin Operated Films
Directed by David Singer for Coin Operated Films
Promo video for new band Young Man In A Hurry
Directed/Filmed/Edited by David Singer
Directed by David Singer
Produced by Onion Labs